The U.S. Wheat Associates, National Association of Wheat Growers, North American Millers’ Association, and American Bakers Association are joining the Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the National Mall near the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) headquarters on May 6, 7, and 8, 2024. The event will showcase the constant improvement in American agriculture from farmers, ranchers, equipment manufacturers, and input innovators on the cutting-edge of science and technology.
NAMA, USW, NAWG, and ABA will host an exhibit that tells the story of wheat production, from field to flour to favorite wheat foods here and around the world. The exhibit will include interactive displays that tell the story of this iconic American crop and the industries it supports.
During the event, leaders from all four organizations will be available to speak with the media about their organizations’ participation in the event and how America’s wheat industry, from grower to manufacturer, is producing wholesome, sustainable staple foods to improve food security for a growing world.
The event will be held on the National Mall in Washington, DC, near the Smithsonian Metro station, outside the USDA headquarters between the Smithsonian museums. The joint wheat industry exhibit will be located at Booth 32 near the Jefferson Drive SW and 7th St SW intersection (see map below).