Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.

Speaking of Wheat

A major escalation of the war, as Russia fired over 70 cruise missiles across the country, caused major damage to infrastructure. This left over half [of Ukraine] without power, which resulted in ports becoming inoperable, including those on the Danube River. Continuous attacks on infrastructure are impacting the viability of grain exports and could result in increased shortages and food prices.” – COCERAL, the European association of trade in cereals, oilseeds, rice, pulses, olive oil, oils and fats, animal feed and agro-supply.

Welcoming New State Commission Executive

The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee (MWBC) recently introduced Mr. Kent Kupfner as the commission’s new Executive Vice President. “I’m excited to continue promoting Montana’s top commodities to the rest of the world,” said Kupfner. “Working on behalf of Montana’s wheat and barley growers has always been and will continue to be a top priority.” Before joining the MWBC, Kupfner merchandised wheat and managed grain assets for multiple U.S. companies. Read more here.

New Nebraska Shuttle Loading System

Scoular has installed a new high-speed shuttle loading system at its Grainton country elevator in southwest Nebraska that will feature significantly faster grain unloading speeds. At the new facility, the Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway (NKCR) provides access to the BNSF mainline, opening farmers to Mexico and other markets.

U.S. House Approves Emergency Resolution to Avoid Rail Strike

The U.S. House of Representatives took a first step on Nov. 30 toward preventing a strike by U.S. rail workers. A rail strike would have a significantly negative effect on wheat export basis and add even more uncertainty to an already volatile market. Nicole Berg, National Association of Wheat Growers president and Washington state wheat farmer, said “We are thankful to see the House of Representative’s vote to avoid a rail shutdown and applaud leadership for bringing this to the floor quick enough to avoid any disruptions. Wheat growers are uniquely reliant on an efficient, reliable and affordable rail transportation network, so we urge the Senate to pass this resolution quickly.”

USW Reception at ALIM Conference

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is proud to be a founding member of ALIM, the Latin American Industrial Millers Association, and sponsored a reception for members participating in the 40th ALIM annual meeting in Lima, Peru, on Nov. 27. The organization quickly produced a video record of the reception to kick off the conference program Nov. 28. Click below to see the video and look for more information about this special event soon.

U.S. Holiday Office Schedule

In recognition of Christmas and New Year’s, the USW Headquarters and West Coast Offices will be closed Friday afternoon, Dec. 23, Monday, Dec. 26, Friday afternoon Dec. 30, and Jan. 2, 2023. Contact your local USW office for information about holiday hours.

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