Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.

Speaking of Wheat

I tip my hat to modern wheat breeders. The wheat out there is finding a way. The plant bottom was in drought, but the top half is making a head and finding a way. Twenty years ago, our genetics would not do that. The genetics are making a difference, I think.” – Aaron Harries, Vice President of Research and Operations, Kansas Wheat, from a Kansas Farmer photo story about the Wheat Quality Council’s Hard Winter Wheat Tour May 16 to 19, 2022.

UK to Consider Gene Editing Benefits

Precision breeding technologies, like gene editing, have a range of benefits. They give scientists the power to help farmers and producers develop plant varieties and animals with beneficial traits that could also occur through traditional breeding and natural processes but more efficiently and precisely. On May 24, 2022, legislation that would open research to gene editing in the United Kingdom was introduced to Parliament as the Genetic Technology Bill. George Eustice, UK Environment Secretary, told the Daily Mail, “Outside the EU, we are free to follow the science. These precision technologies allow us to speed up the breeding of plants that have natural resistance to diseases and better use of soil nutrients so we can have higher yields with fewer pesticides and fertilizers.”

Washington Grain Commission Begins Leadership Transition

The Washington Grain Commission (WGC) has announced it is seeking applicants for its Chief Executive Officer position. The WGC CEO serves as the operations and business manager, information liaison and representative and is ultimately responsible for the successful implementation of the policies and actions of the WGC. The position will remain open until it is filled, with no specific completion date specified. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Please reference WGC–CEO in the email subject line. WGC is a member organization of U.S. Wheat Associates (USW).

Logo of Washington Grain Commission
WGC is a member organization of U.S. Wheat Associates (USW).

Lakes Port Tour

The Northern Crops Institute (NCI) is hosting a two-day export tour in Duluth, Minn., June 20 to 21, 2022. NCI calls the tour an excellent opportunity to visit Duluth/Superior grain export facilities and learn how grains from the Northern Great Plains are handled and shipped to destinations worldwide. Participants will have the opportunity to tour the Duluth Superior Port Authority, container and rail yards, and grain terminal and hear presentations from industry professionals. The deadline for registration is June 10. Learn more and register here.

Perspective on India’s Wheat Export Policies

The news service Aljazeera has published an interesting article on the uncertainty affecting the global wheat market, Indian wheat farmers and grain traders from India’s recent wheat export policies. Sharing frustration with his government’s intervention, one Indian farmer said, “it is the farmers’ interest that is often sacrificed to keep consumer prices low.” Read the article here.

Photo Story: Day in the Life of U.S. Agriculture

There is agricultural activity going on at all times of the day in all areas of the United States. Farm Progress editors went out on May 18, 2022, to capture moments happening on farms and ranches during the day. There was planting, harvesting, researching, marketing, livestock pasturing and even an image from the Wheat Quality Council Hard Winter Wheat Tour. View the photo story here.

Photo by Jennifer Latzke from 2022 Hard Winter Wheat Tour
Scouts on the Wheat Quality Council Hard Winter Wheat Tour on May 18, 2022. Photo by Jennifer Latzke, Farm Progress Publications

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