Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.
Speaking of Wheat. “Durum presents the greatest challenge in terms of balancing global import requirements with global export availability.” – Rhyl Doyle, director of export trading at Paterson Grain, Winnipeg, Manitoba, quoted in a Reuters article covering Italian pasta makers’ fears about a global durum supply shock.
Brazil Approves GMO Wheat Flour Imports. Reuters reported Nov. 11 that Brazil’s biosecurity agency CTNBio has cleared imports of flour from Argentina made with genetically modified wheat. Reuters wrote that the agency’s decision, the first of its kind in the world, “applied only to wheat flour, after Brazilian millers threatened to boycott Argentine grains.”
2021 Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update. The U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative recently announced publication of its 2021 Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update. In general, drought held back the severity of the plant disease with only isolated problem areas. Read the full announcement here.
USW Publishes Latest Supply and Demand Report. USW updated its monthly World Wheat Supply and Demand Situation Nov. 9 following the release of USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. This month world wheat trade estimate for 2021/22 was raised to a record 203.1 MMT even in the face of reduced exportable supplies. Read the USW report online here.
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