Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.

Speaking of Wheat. The government started to pay more attention to the grains industry, and while it has trumpeted the country’s position as the top wheat exporter, at the same time, it started to intervene in exports. After several years of temporary export restrictions, from June this year, Moscow implemented permanent export tariffs on all key grains in response to increasing domestic grain prices and to protect domestic consumers from rising food inflation.” Andrey Sizov, Managing Director, SovEcon, writing in a Sept. 24, 2021, editorial in Financial Times.

Congratulations to U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) colleague Ting Liu and her husband Boxuan Feng, who welcomed a daughter, temporarily known as Yoyo (悠悠), Oct. 3. Ting is a Technical Specialist in the USW Beijing Office. Congratulations to Ting and her family!

Grain Craft Opens Lab in Kansas Wheat Complex. Grain Craft opened its new Grain Craft Innovation and Quality (GCIQ) Lab within the Kansas Wheat Innovation Center in Manhattan on Oct. 1. Announcing the opening, the company said the GCIQ Lab will support improvement in wheat quality, flour quality and flour consistency along with an ongoing exploration of innovation opportunities. Grain Craft is the largest independent flour miller in the United States, offering premium bulk and bagged flours for the baking, food service, tortilla and pizza industries. Read more here.

Grant to Increase Food Crop Nutrition Awarded. An approach that promises to increase nutrition literally from the ground up, Washington State University’s Soil to Society project, recently received a five-year, $10 million grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). The project takes a comprehensive approach to increase the nutrient value in food made from six crops – wheat, barley, peas, lentils, buckwheat, and quinoa. Soil scientists will work to improve the soil quality where they are grown. Plant breeders will develop more nutritional varieties while food scientists will create products to bring to market, and health researchers will evaluate the impact of those foods. Read more here.

U.S. Wheat Associates Publishes Commercial Sales every Thursday, documenting wheat export sales-to-date by country and class for the current marketing year compared to the previous marketing year on the same date. The report includes a 10-year commercial sales history by class and country. Data is sourced from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Weekly Export Sales Report. Read the latest report on the USW website.

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