Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry.
Speaking of Wheat. “The wheat industry told me that they wanted better quality varieties. They needed better milling and baking properties, so we spent a lot of time working on those improvements.” – Dr. Scott Haley, Retired Project Leader, Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program, College of Agricultural Sciences, Colorado State University. Full Story.
National Pasta Association Consumer Program Relaunches to Share the Pasta.
The National Pasta Association (NPA) has re-branded consumer communications to “Share the Pasta” to “celebrate the joys of pasta and increase consumption.” NPA’s previous public outreach called “Pasta Fits” emphasized health benefits, versatility and value, attributes that will still be promoted as part of the new communications theme.
Press Release: NAWG Shares Wheat Priorities with the Biden-Harris Transition Team. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) recently sent a letter to the Biden-Harris transition team to introduce NAWG, outline pending policy issues needing immediate attention from the upcoming Administration and provided a primer on the wheat industry. Read NAWG’s release highlighting the letter here.
Sincere Sympathies to Mark Fowler, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Vice President of Global Technical Services, and his family on the passing of Mark’s father, Thomas Fowler, on Jan. 4, 2021.
IGP Institute Flour Milling and Grain Processing Course Schedule. The IGP Institute at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan., has several flour milling and grain processing courses planned in 2021, covering all aspects of managing the flour milling process from grain selection to finished products. Courses will explore many areas including; technical milling, mill management practices, quality control, food safety, flowsheet design, process automation and controls, process efficiencies, hard and soft wheat milling, maintenance, and much more. View the full course schedule and register here.
The January Cereal Grain Sciences Event Calendar is available online and for subscription. The calendar is compiled and updated monthly by cereal scientist and editor Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacioglu.
Subscribe to USW Reports. USW publishes a variety of reports and content that are available to subscribe to, including a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting recent Wheat Letter blog posts, the weekly Price Report and the weekly Harvest Report (available May to October). Subscribe here.
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