Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry.

Quote of the Week:Today we can say that we’ve moved from precision ag to decision ag. The digital revolution is here … here to stay, and it’s going to have a profound impact on our [agricultural] business. I never in my wildest dreams, growing up on a 600-acre farm, thought any of this would be possible.”David Hollinrake, President, Syngenta Seeds.

Congratulations. We are fortunate to have devoted, loyal colleagues at USW. This month, Stacy Taylor, Meeting Planner and Executive Assistant to the President, from the USW Headquarters Office in Arlington, Va., is celebrating 30 years. Thank you, Stacy for your service to our organization, to U.S. wheat farmers and to our customers around the world.

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators Report. Agriculture is dynamic, adjusting in response to changes in the economy, technology, the environment, and policy – and agricultural production affects a wide range of natural resources. Understanding the complex links among public policies, economic conditions, farming and conservation practices, productivity and technological change, resource use, and the environment, is important for agricultural decision making. A new report from USDA’s Economic Research Service provides a comprehensive review of the use of natural resources (land and water) and commercial inputs (such as energy, nutrients, and pesticides) in the U.S. agricultural sector, as well as the impact of agricultural production on environmental quality.

Food Technologist Doug Engle Retires. After 35 years with USDA’s Western Wheat Quality Lab, food technologist Doug Engle retired on July 6. He will remain at the lab—based on Washington State University’s campus in Pullman, Wash.—for two years, working three-quarter time, in a new position funded by the Idaho Wheat Commission, Oregon Wheat Commission and Washington Grain Commission, to ease the transition as a replacement is hired. Read more about Engle’s career here.

Marketing Seminar to Offer Perspectives on 2019 Wheat Outlook. The North Dakota Wheat Commission is sponsoring a Pre-harvest Marketing Seminar in conjunction with the North Central Research Extension Fields Days in Minot, N.D., on Wednesday, July 17. The seminar will focus on marketing strategies for harvest and beyond, key issues affecting markets and demand outlook for hard red spring and durum wheat. Read more about the free seminar here.

A Cereal Science Events Calendar is available through Prof. Dr. M. Hikmet Boyacıoğlu. Contact him at [email protected] to join the subscription list.

IAOM-KSU Flour and Dough Analysis. The IAOM-KSU Flour and Dough Analysis short course will be held at the IGP Institute in Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 10 to 12, 2019. The course will focus on flour and dough analysis practices and methods and correct interpretation and understanding of the results. Click here to learn more and register.

Subscribe to USW Reports. USW publishes a variety of reports and content that are available to subscribe to, including a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting recent Wheat Letter blog posts, the weekly Price Report and the weekly Harvest Report (available May to October). Subscribe here.

Follow USW Online. Visit our page at https://www.facebook.com/uswheat for the latest updates, photos and discussions of what is going on in the world of wheat. Also, find breaking news on Twitter atwww.twitter.com/uswheatassoc  and video stories at https://www.youtube.com/uswheatassociates.