Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry.
Quote of the Week: “Gerry has a natural affinity for presenting information in a classroom setting or running a baking workshop in an interesting and engaging fashion. He is very creative in designing training activities and enthusiastically carries them out. I think that is why so many customers here want Gerry to put on workshops – and, of course, because he is such a nice guy.” – Joe Sowers, USW Regional Vice President for the Philippines and Korea, on the work of his colleague USW Baking Consultant Gerry Mendoza. Read the full story here.
Wheat Growers Join Nearly 1,000 Food & Ag Groups in Letter Urging Congressional Ratification of USMCA. Nearly 1,000 groups representing the U.S. food and agriculture value chain at the national, state and local levels have called on Congress to support the ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). In a letter sent to Congress June 13, the groups reiterate that USMCA will benefit the U.S. agriculture and food industry while providing consumers a more abundant supply of high-quality, safe food at affordable prices. Read the full release from the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) here.
Congratulations. USW President Vince Peterson and his wife Sandi welcomed their eighth grandchild, a girl, Carly Reagan, born June 12.
Wheat Myth Debunked by a Major New Study. The myth that modern wheat varieties are more heavily reliant on pesticides and fertilizers is debunked by new research published in Nature Plants today. Lead author on the paper, Dr. Kai Voss-Fels, a research fellow at The University of Queensland, said modern wheat cropping varieties actually out-perform older varieties in both optimum and harsh growing conditions. Read the full story here.
USDA Announces ERS and NIFA Relocating to Kansas City Region. On June 13, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that the Economic Research Service and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture will be relocating to the Kansas City Region. The USDA went through a selection process that included 136 locations expressing interest before coming to the decision. Read the USDA’s press release on the announcement for more information and background on the decision here.
Procedural Step on China TRQ Case. On June 24, the Chinese government formally notified the World Trade Organization that it will not appeal a ruling it lost in a case brought by the United States against Beijing’s adherence to a reduced duty tariff-rate quota on imported grain. China said it would abide by the WTO ruling within a reasonable period of time to be negotiated with the United States. This is a procedural process and in the domestic support case brought by the United States against China the “reasonable period of time” to comply is until March 31, 2020.
National Wheat Foundation Blog Series: The Science Behind Gene Editing. On June 20, 2019, NAWG Summer 2019 Intern Merrick Irvin drafted his second blog in a five-part series on the progression of wheat genetics from the beginning to present. The second blog provides a high-level overview of what is gene editing. Read it here.
Baking with Whole Wheat and Whole Grains Course. The Northern Crops Institute is hosting a course focused on the utilization of whole wheat flour made from hard red spring (HRS) wheat and how to incorporate other whole grain ingredients into wheat-based products. The July 30 to Aug. 2, 2019 course will be at its facilities in Fargo, N.D. Click here to learn more and register by Monday, July 8.
IAOM-KSU Flour and Dough Analysis. The IAOM-KSU Flour and Dough Analysis short course will be held at the IGP Institute in Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 10 to 12, 2019. The course will focus on flour and dough analysis practices and methods and correct interpretation and understanding of the results. Click here to learn more and register.
Subscribe to USW Reports. USW publishes a variety of reports and content that are available to subscribe to, including a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting recent Wheat Letter blog posts, the weekly Price Report and the weekly Harvest Report (available May to October). Subscribe here.
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