Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.
Speaking of Wheat.
“Well over half the nation’s wheat production occurs in states that are experiencing some form of drought now in the spring of 2021 … I suspect we will still see rough correlation between corn prices and hard red winter wheat prices this summer.” — Elaine Kub, South Dakota author of “Mastering the Grain Markets: How Profits are Really Made,” from an article in Progressive Farmer/DTN.
U.S. Wheat Condition Ratings Decline. This week, USDA reported U.S. winter wheat in good to excellent condition declined by 4 percentage points overall to 49% from the previous week. Oklahoma and Texas showed declines, respectively, of 9 points to 61% and 10 points to 18%. Later in May, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) will issue its first Harvest Report on the 2021/22 U.S. wheat crop.
Dr. Senay Simsek to Head of Purdue University’s Food Science Department. As the Bert L. D’Appolonia Cereal Science and Technology of Wheat Endowed Professor at North Dakota State University, Dr. Simsek has been a valued USW-sponsored consultant to wheat food processors around the world. USW congratulates Dr. Simsek on her new appointment. Read more about her career and new position here.
Congratulations to Oklahoma Wheat Farmer Tom Stephens on induction into the Oklahoma Agriculture Hall of Fame. Tom is a long-serving USW director representing the Oklahoma Wheat Commission (OWC). He and his wife Phyllis live in Guymon, Okla. Read more in OWC’s Oklahoma Wheat Brief.
It’s A Boy! Congratulations to USW/Mexico City Assistant Regional Director Stephanie Bryant-Erdmann and her husband Andrew on the birth of their first child, Stielf Xavier Bryant Erdmann, born April 26, 2021. Stephanie and baby are both doing well.
World Food Prize to Announce 2021 Laureate and hold a “Digital Dialogue: Live with the Laureate” on May 11, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time. Invited speakers include U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack, and UN Nutrition Chair Naoko Yamamoto. Learn more about the event and register online at
NAWG Hires New Director of Communications and Partnerships. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) recently named Mariah Wollweber as Director of Communications and Partnerships. Wollweber is a fifth-generation wheat farmer from Washington State. She has worked as a journalist and in the communications and marketing industry.
Subscribe to USW Reports. USW publishes various reports and content that are available to subscribe to, including a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting recent Wheat Letter blog posts, the weekly Price Report and the weekly Harvest Report (available May to October). Subscribe here.
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