Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the U.S. wheat industry.

 Speaking of Wheat.
“We have seen only a half-inch of rain in the last 45 days. We are in a critical stage, but we have time to recover if rain comes in the next ten days. Either way, we will have a crop.” — Michael Peters, Okarche, Okla., wheat farmer, and U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Secretary-Treasurer.

$6.3 Billion. According to USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, that is the total value of all U.S. wheat exports in 2020. Total U.S. agricultural export value of $145.68 billion in 2020 was the second-highest on record, up almost 7% from 2019, mainly on the Chinese import surge. Read more in the 2020 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook.

U.S. Spring Wheat and Durum Seeding has started, under less-than-ideal conditions, according to the North Dakota Wheat Commission (NDWC). Nationwide, farmers have planted 11% of the spring wheat crop, compared to 6% on average. It is extremely dry across most of the Northern Plains. Conditions and more profit potential in other crops prompted USDA to predict a 4% decline in spring wheat area. Read more online.

Voting for Wheat. Michigan wheat farmers have voted to continue the Michigan Wheat Program (MWP) to promote profitable production, marketing and use of wheat. As with other state wheat commissions, funding comes from a “checkoff,” in which farmers contribute a specified amount per bushel of wheat that goes to MWP for research, education and market development programs. Michigan farmers produce soft red winter and soft white wheat.

U.S. Wheat Associates Publishes Commercial Sales every Thursday, documenting wheat export sales-to-date by country and class for the current marketing year compared to the previous marketing year on the same date. The report includes a 10-year commercial sales history by class and country. Data is sourced from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Weekly Export Sales Report. Read the latest report on the USW website.

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