Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “There’s a future generation of farmers out there that will carry this through and have that passion that they learned from their family to love the soil and have that ambition to grow good crops.” — Michael Peters, Okarche, Okla., wheat farmer and […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “[It has been] an immense honor to represent the people of the 11th district of Texas in Congress for the past 16 years. [I am] humbled [by] witnessing the hard work of Americans to feed, clothe and fuel the world and used it […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “Every month, the top leaders of [NAWG and USW] … discuss our shared priorities. I feel both organizations are realizing more and more that when we work together, we are able to move the wheat industry forward and make it prosperous.” – Dave […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “Even though the customers cannot be here in person, we want to assure them that they are welcome to ask questions and reach out to us, as well as visit us when it is safe to travel.” – Glen Squires, CEO, Washington Grain […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “While the past five months has turned our business, economic and personal worlds upside down, we have learned a great deal about ourselves and our resilience as people and as an industry. We have learned we all have immense capacity and untapped creativity […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “I hope in another century our future generations look back at our world and see how we worked to improve it for all for them. And I hope that despite farming changes and progress, wheat remains growing in farm fields.” – Katie Pinke, […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “A completed USMCA finally gets us past the uncertainty and that is welcome news to U.S. wheat growers. Especially as we now see an opportunity for U.S. negotiators to take this as a gold standard agreement and launch negotiations with other countries, where […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “Our export markets are critical to U.S. wheat farmers’ bottom lines as they see 50 percent of U.S. wheat exported each year. The grain inspection system is one of our key advantages over our competitors that has helped wheat and other U.S. commodities […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “We go that extra step to take care of the ground because we’re excited when it produces better. It’s a family heritage thing. This is what my grandparents did, they passed it down to my father and now it’s going to be passed […]
Wheat Industry News

Recent news and highlights from around the wheat industry. Speaking of Wheat: “There is a societal cost of not using new genome editing techniques or being slow in adoption. We have no time to lose in resolving our shared problems for food and nutrition security.” – Robin Fears, Director, European Academies Science Advisory Council, in a statement calling for reform of European regulation […]