Wheat production and harvested areas are on a long-term, downward trend in the United States. Net returns per acre to farmers favor other crops, and the differential is widening. An eventual supply and demand situation where smaller wheat supplies are produced only in areas where more profitable alternatives do not exist will translate into supply challenges for the global food industry. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) supports finding new ways to improve wheat quality and increase production through innovation and sustainability with less impact on the environment. New research in biotechnology and plant breeding innovation, including gene editing, will help make this possible.
Why Is Wheat Research Important?
In 2008, the U.S. wheat industry actively supported advanced wheat research, including every type of technology from conventional breeding to biotechnology. Private technology providers and public universities have since announced their research projects and partnerships in wheat breeding.
The wheat industry hopes these efforts will lead to greater sustainability for the entire wheat chain. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is committed to ensuring that our customers can buy the wheat they want and minimize trade disruptions.
What Are Plant Breeding Innovations?
Wheat farmers need the entire toolbox to continue producing more and better wheat in sustainable ways. Plant breeding innovations promise to positively impact developing wheat varieties that benefit farmers and create new varieties with traits that help millers, bakers, and consumers. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is dedicated to ensuring that regulation of new technology worldwide is efficient and science-based so that trade barriers do not occur. USW is also focused on communicating the benefits of breeding tools and the research supporting their safety. USW and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) have adopted the following statement on plant breeding innovation including gene editing:
Wheat Industry Plant Breeding Innovation Position Statement
The U.S. wheat industry recognizes the importance of new technology in breeding to farmers, customers, and consumers and supports plant-breeding innovations that can address wheat production, yield, and quality needs. We take the following positions:
- We believe that plant breeding innovation and new technology in agriculture are vital for the continued sustainability and success of U.S. wheat production.
- We recognize the value of robust breeding programs that utilize all available tools to ensure that the U.S. remains a leader in the production of high-quality wheat in consistent, reliable supplies.
- We believe that these new technologies not only benefit farmers, customers, and consumers, but also can have positive impacts on the environment and long-term health of U.S. agricultural land.
- We support science-based regulation where necessary and encourage the U.S. government and the governments of our trading partners to take steps to ensure open trade flows that are not impeded by the introduction of varieties developed through plant breeding innovation.
- We support the development of varieties that have benefits for our farmers, our customers, and consumers. These include disease-resistance traits, end-use quality traits, health traits, and climate stress traits.
- We support continued wheat research and partnership between public university research programs, private companies, and public sector entities.
- We urge the adoption of a nationally and internationally accepted definition of plant breeding innovation that clearly differentiates these methods from traditional biotechnology. We also urge international harmonization of scientific standards and trade rules
USW is a member of the International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC), which promotes science-based regulatory approaches worldwide to minimize disruption to grain trade.
Learn more about plant breeding innovation from the American Seed Trade Association.
Do Wheat Farmers Support Using Biotechnology Or GMOS In Wheat?
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) support the eventual commercialization of biotech wheat. USW works with industry partners to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the concerns of our overseas customers. Our Wheat Industry Biotechnology Position Statement guides this work.
Biotechnological research holds great promise for the future, and the U.S. wheat industry recognizes these advancements. In preparation for the future commercialization of biotechnologically-derived wheat, we take the following positions:
- We support and will work to ensure the ability of wheat producers to make planting and marketing choices based on economic, agronomic, and market factors.
- We support the ability of our wheat customers to make purchases on the basis of specific traits. We commit ourselves to the principle that our customers’ needs are vitally important.
- We support and will assist in the development by all segments of the industry of an orderly marketing system to assure delivery of non-transgenic wheat within reasonable tolerances to markets that require it.
- We urge the adoption of a nationally and internationally accepted definition of biotechnologically-derived products1. We also urge international harmonization of scientific standards and trade rules.
- We support voluntary labeling of food products derived from biotech ingredients provided it is consistent with U.S. law and international trade agreements and is truthful and not misleading. We oppose federal or state mandated labeling of products based solely on the method of production, including foods derived from biotech ingredients, if they do not differ materially from their non-biotech counterparts.
- We support establishing low level presence (LLP2) policies for trade of wheat intended for food, feed and processing that are predictable, science-based and consistent with international guidelines. A workable LLP threshold should incorporate biological and logistical realities. We support a 5% LLP threshold on a trait specific basis as a reasonable level to achieve a cost-effective approach. We further encourage governments to establish synchronized approval policies of biotech traits to minimize trade disruptions of biotech products.
- We are confident that biotechnology will deliver significant consumer and producer benefits and we support continued biotechnology research, and product and market development. We invite valued and interested customers to join with us in a working partnership to explore the emerging biotechnology industry.
View the complete statement and relevant definitions.
The U.S. wheat industry recognizes the benefits and value for the wheat supply chain through the prudent application of modern biotechnology. After a thorough review and development of a commercialization plan that facilitates commercialization with minimal market disruption, U.S. wheat producers will support the commercialization of transgenic wheat traits. We support the ability of our customers to make purchases based on their preferences for specific traits, classes, qualities, and characteristics. We will work diligently to ensure that commercially achievable customer preferences are met. Read our Principles of Commercialization.
In 2009, nine organizations representing wheat farmers and millers from the United States, Canada and Australia voiced support for the future commercialization of biotechnology in wheat. Additional organizations joined in 2014 to reconfirm and update that commitment, emphasizing the importance of customer choice. Read the “Trilateral Statement” here
Is Biotech Wheat Available In The Market?
At this time, the Federal Grain Inspection Service states that there are no commercialized varieties of wheat available in the market developed through biotechnology. However, some varieties are being evaluated in field trials. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is committed to keeping customers updated on any eventual release of biotech wheat.