Crop & Quality

Classes of U.S. Wheat
Versatile, with excellent milling and baking characteristics for wheat foods like hearth breads, hard rolls, croissants and flat breads. Hard Red Winter (HRW) is also an ideal wheat choice for some types of Asian noodles, general purpose flour and as an improver for blending.
The aristocrat of wheat when it comes to “designer” wheat foods like hearth breads, rolls, croissants, bagels and pizza crust. Hard Red Spring (HRS) is also a valued improver in flour blends.
Hard White (HW) receives enthusiastic reviews when used for Asian noodles, whole wheat or high extraction applications, pan breads or flat breads.
Low moisture wheat with excellent milling results, Soft White (SW) provides a whiter and brighter product for Asian-style noodles and is ideal for exquisite cakes, pastries and other confectionary products.
Soft Red Winter (SRW) is a profitable choice for producing a wide range of confectionary products like cookies, crackers and cakes, and for blending for baguettes and other bread products.
Hardest of all wheats, durum has a rich amber color and high gluten content. Hard amber durum (HAD) sets the “gold standard for premium pasta products, couscous and some Mediterranean breads.
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Harvest Report Highlight
September 27, 2024
samples tested year to date
total samples expected in 2024
U.S. states grow wheat