U.S. Wheat Associates Welcomes New Colleague in Tokyo
TOKYO, Japan — U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Tokyo announces that Ms. Makiko Ochi has joined the staff as Program Assistant/Accountant. Ms. Ochi will replace Ms. Sadako Ishida who plans to retire in late September 2018 after many years working with USW to promote U.S. wheat exports to Japan.
“We are very pleased Ms. Ochi is now applying her experience as a manager at a large securities organization and as a skilled communicator to our work on behalf of U.S. wheat farmers here in Japan,” said USW Japan Country Director Wataru Utsunomiya.
Ms. Ochi most recently worked as a freelance drama and dance critic in Japan, Asia and Europe after eight years in management at Daiwa Institute of Research, one of Japan’s largest securities firm. She earned a bachelor’s degree in law at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo.
Compared to Japan, no government organizations, millers or processors in any other country invest so much to produce the highest quality, most wholesome wheat foods possible for its consumers. USW and its legacy organizations, with support from state wheat commissions and USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) export market development programs, have maintained an office and staff serving Japan’s sophisticated wheat milling and food industry since 1956. In turn, Japan represents a consistently strong market for high-quality U.S. soft white (SW), hard red spring (HRS) and hard red winter (HRW) wheat.
USW’s mission is to develop, maintain, and expand international markets to enhance wheat’s profitability for U.S. wheat producers and its value for their customers in more than 100 countries. Its activities are made possible through producer checkoff dollars managed by 17 state wheat commissions and cost-share funding provided by FAS.
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Makiko Ochi
Nondiscrimination and Alternate Means of Communications
In all its programs, activities and employment, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital or family status, age, disability, political beliefs or sexual orientation. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USW at 202-463-0999 (TDD/TTY – 800-877-8339, or from outside the U.S., 605-331-4923). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to Vice President of Finance, USW, 3103 10th Street, North, Arlington, VA 22201, or call 202-463-0999. USW is an equal opportunity provider and employer.