Wheat Industry News
News and Information from Around the World Wheat Industry
Speaking of Wheat
“I am truly appreciative of the support provided by the O.A. Vogel Endowment and what it has meant to growing the spring wheat breeding program over the past eight years. With our current levels of federal funding, extramural grants, Washington Grain Commission support, and variety royalty revenue reinvestment, I feel like it is great time to re-direct these endowment funds to where they can do the most for Washington growers.” – Washington State University Professor and Wheat Breeder Mike Pumphrey (photo above), who is stepping down from the O.A. Vogel Chair of Wheat Breeding and Genetics.
Chad Weigand Marks 15 Years with USW

Chad Weigand, Regional Director, Sub-Saharan Africa
Chad Weigand joined U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) on April 30, 2009, as Market Analyst following a post-graduate internship with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. In 2011, Chad was promoted to Assistant Regional Director in the USW Mexico City office covering Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. He currently serves as Regional Director, Sub-Saharan Africa, in Cape Town, South Africa. Congratulations, Chad, and thank you for your service!
Washington Grain Commission Honors Wheat Breeder
The Washington Grain Commission (WGC) is recognizing Washington State University (WSU) spring wheat breeder Mike Pumphrey and celebrating his contributions to the Washington wheat industry. Pumphrey, a professor in WSU’s crop and soil sciences department, co-held the O.A. Vogel Chair of Wheat Breeding and Genetics with WSU winter wheat breeder Arron Carter. Pumphrey informed the WGC in January that he is stepping down from his Vogel chair appointment to better focus on his WSU teaching and research activities. As a Vogel chair, Pumphrey participated in trade team and technical servicing activities through U.S. Wheat Associates (USW). “Mike, as a lifelong learner, understands that it is important to produce wheat varieties that meet the end-use quality characteristics valued by wheat buyers in the rapidly growing overseas markets in Southeast Asia,” said Steve Wirsching, Vice President and Director of the USW West Coast Office in Portland.
USW, NAWG Participate in Farm Broadcaster Issues Forum
U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) and the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) shared a booth at this week’s Washington Watch “Issues Forum” hosted by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB). USW Director of Trade Policy Peter Laudeman had several discussions with members of the ag media during the event. He fielded questions about the broader opportunity for gene editing regulations and research – innovative technologies that have potential for higher and more stable wheat yields in the U.S. that could bring a change in global export competitiveness. Laudeman also discussed the recent USDA announcement of $1B in funding for international food assistance, a portion of which will purchase U.S.-grown wheat for international humanitarian donations.
Peter Laudeman, Director of Trade Policy, is interviewed at NAFB Washington event.
Wheat Foods Council Hosts Denver Food Professionals for ‘Culinary Immersion’
The Wheat Foods Council (WFC) recently hosted a culinary immersion in Denver aimed at educating and inspiring high-volume food professionals about wheat and wheat foods. The tour included stops at local bakeries, restaurants and manufacturers who specialize in notable applications of wheat. Each stop highlighted a unique and creative use of wheat and allowed attendees to hear (and taste) the proprietors’ skill and inspiration firsthand. The event also allowed chef attendees in depth interaction with the WFC executive team members who were able to impart their industry knowledge and passion and build loyal and lasting relationships with this key group of foodservice professionals.
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