Wheat Industry News
News and Information from Around the Wheat Industry
Speaking of Wheat
“USDA does not currently have agricultural representatives in Russia nor locally employed staff [and] there is a significant number of unknowns and assumptions. The lack of reporting from our agricultural attaché network, and the limited access to official government reports, has cut out important sources of information in our estimation process.” – From comments made by USDA Foreign Agricultural Service officials to Western Producer magazine.
USW Colleagues Celebrate Anniversaries

Marcelo Mitre, USW Mexico City
Congratulations and thank you to Cathy Marais, USW Regional Finance and Administration Manager in the Cape Town, South Africa regional office who marked 30 years of service on January 17, and to Marcelo Mitre, USW Director of Technical Services in the Mexico City, Mexico, Regional Office who celebrated 15 years of service on January 12.
U.S. Winter Wheat Planted Area Down
USDA’s recent Winter Wheat Seedings Report put preliminary acreage estimates at 34.4 million acres, down 6% from 2023 but still 4% ahead of the five-year average. HRW area is estimated at 24.0 MMT, down 5% on the year, while SRW area is approximately 6.89, a 13% decrease. The white winter wheat area came in at 3.5 MMT. Despite the decreased acreage, recent conditions suggest the potential for improved yield and reduced abandonment. The early season outlook for the 2024 harvest remains cautiously optimistic.
Commercial Wheat Exports
Net U.S. wheat commercial sales for the week ending Jan. 18 of 451,400 metric tons (MT) for 2023/2024 were up 45% from the prior 4-week average. Increases primarily for Mexico, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, and Bangladesh. Net sales of 59,000 MT for 2024/2025 were reported for Egypt, Japan, and Mexico.